12 Week Shred: Week 3

Week 3 Shred Weight

Week number 3 into my body recomposition experience. Time sure does go by fast. My recent measurement is 199.8lbs. That’s 1lb down from last week, so the downward trend continues. As mentioned before, I do not have a specific weight target. My aim is to get down to 10% body fat for starters.

I have been checking my body fat % at CoreFit studio, but the device there did not show really any change after two weeks. I know it’s not completely accurate but it’s still curious it showed no change. With over 5lbs down I’m not sure what to think about it, though I’m confident that I’m not losing complete muscle. I’ll look for a way to do an accurate assessment.

Adhering to specific macros isn’t as complicated as one might think. You get pretty familiar with what foods you like and fit within your food budget. I will say that the most challenging thing is hitting my protein target. I find it hard to hit each day though I at least get close to 1.1g per lb of bodyweight. Even with that challenge I think I need to increase my protein intake. I’m confident I can still build muscle mass even at a caloric deficit with the right amount of protein, among other factors.

I have still allowed ‘cheat’ meals at least once in the week, usually sometime during the weekend. These ‘cheat meals typically include a cookie, or white pasta or something. This past week, however, I have gone strictly complex carbs: brown rice, gluten free pastas (brown rice, quinoa), etc.. We’ll see how much of a difference it makes in the long run, by not ‘cheating’ too much with the simple carbs.

On the injury side of things, I’m feeling stronger but not 100% yet. I’ve still been able to work through it and have some good workouts. My body overall feels good and strong.

On this note, I got thinking, and I don’t mean this in any arrogant or self-pretentious manner, but feeling healthy and strong does provide a sense of confidence/comfort in the face of the current illness pandemic and uncertainty in the world. If I get sick, I get sick. But with doing my best to be healthy, hopefully my body is in top prime condition to best handle sickness if/when it comes, shrug. If that sounds too nonchalant then so be it.

Obviously, I am concerned about world events and The-Virus-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named. I’m not an unfeeling robot. No offense to robots. Uncertainty can spawn some anxiety, but with a world fretting and panicking, I still feel calm and peace, spiritually and mentally – it’s no use worrying about things you can’t control. I admit it stinks that my favorite tournaments have been cancelled though… Well, on with shredding fat amidst a worldwide pandemic…

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