I never quite understood depression until experiencing it first hand. In one defining moment it reared its dark head from the shadows and bit me hard; and I couldn’t deny it. Whether we know or acknowledge the reasons behind its manifestations, it is debilitating. Growing up, depression and anxiety weren’t part of my physical, or …
What a week, eh folks! People raiding the store shelves, buying up all the toilet paper. Everyone confined to their homes and yet the stores seem busier than ever. Earthquakes in the morning. Whoow! When will the zombies start showing up? With all this Coronavirus craziness my body must have gone into survival mode cause …
My second week in and the scale shows 201, down from 205. 2lbs average a week is fairly aggressive though I’m ok with it. After last week I was a little concerned I was cutting too fast so I added in more calories but I also suspect that a portion of it was due to …
Smartphones are amazing devices. Computers used to occupy entire buildings and rooms and we now hold one in the palm of our hands, with extraordinary capabilities. Our phones connect us to an online world of entertainment, vasts amounts of knowledge and information at our fingertips, social media, communication, games, they can take photos, and oh …
Somewhere, burning beneath an unforgiving desert sun, one can find a simple remote neighborhood out in the middle of nowhere. In the corner of one backyard stands a seemingly ordinary fence. It barriers the other bordering yards as it should. And to anyone else, to the current owners, there is likely little or no thought …
“Aaargh! Man, why is this so hard!?” I argued at the TV screen after another death. This particular video game proved extraordinarily difficult, brutally difficult, in fact. It tested every nerd honed skill within me, that I had developed over three decades of dedicated and practiced gaming, to the maximum. But I was just as …