What a week, eh folks! People raiding the store shelves, buying up all the toilet paper. Everyone confined to their homes and yet the stores seem busier than ever. Earthquakes in the morning. Whoow! When will the zombies start showing up?
With all this Coronavirus craziness my body must have gone into survival mode cause I did not have much change the past week: 200.2lbs. I did hit five hard workouts and my hope is that some of the fluctuation and stagnation in my weight might be due to muscle gain – I believe it is possible to gain muscle even when on a calorie deficit – though I know some of it I can attribute to water weight as well, as I’ve probably mentioned every post.
Visually, I can definitely notice my physique getting more cut. Sometimes that is hard to discern subjectively, but being able to see it is validating. I do feel that I need to adjust my macros and cut more carbs now. As it is another even week, it’s time to cut down on calories again by .9, which would put me around 2475kcal. I will round that out to 2500kcal for the next two weeks and see how it goes. This changes my macros to the following:
Calorie Target: 2500 kcal
Carbohydrate: 275g (44%)
Protein: 219g (35%)
Fat: 58g (21%)
The most challenge I’ve had still is hitting my protein intake. I at least hit my body weight, or very close to it, for sure. But going over that has been a struggle and I know it’s because I haven’t been getting enough at breakfast time. I have made a more concerted effort the past several days to correct that and it helps.
I feel the struggle this upcoming week will be not to go over my carb target, so time to do some better meal planning. And I’m determined to stay consistent on workouts despite all the quarantine measures and whatnot. Stay safe everyone and put that toilet paper to good use.